Water Treatment Plant Improvements
Location; Annapolis, MD | Market Served; Water, Military | Key Services; Design-Build
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) ‐ Washington D.C., which provides support and services for the United
States Naval Academy, improved their water treatment plant to conserve water and reduce disposal costs. Keystone
Engineering Group was the Design-Build Engineer of the two new process systems. The first new process included a solids dewatering
system which consisted of a solids gravity thickener and a centrifuge to mechanically dewater settled solids. The second
process included a water recycling system that consisted of a solids gravity separator with the pumping station. This work was
managed through Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. and constructed by Johnston Construction Company, Inc.
Daily water production for the facility averages approximately one million gallons (1 MGD) of whichan estimated 350,000
gallons were previously discharged to the local municipality sewer system and offsite sludge handling by a third party
contractor. The improvements eliminated the sewer discharges, thereby eliminating costs for disposal, as well as greatly
reducing sludge hauling expenses. At the time of construction completion, projected ROI for the improvements was less
than two years.