Wanaque South Pump Station Upgrade
Location; Wayne, NJ | Market Served; Public Water | Key Services; Electrical Engineering, System Integration
Keystone Engineering Group was the Engineer of Record for the Design-Build project upgrading the pumping system at the
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission Wanaque South Pump Station. Keystone served as a subcontractor to the
general contractor, Stone Hill Construction, providing preliminary and final design engineering, as well as control system
integration for the project.
The station previously consisted of six 2000 horsepower pumps driven by 4160V wound rotor induction motors controlled
with full voltage contactors and slip recovery controllers to provide variable speed flow control of the pumps. The upgrade
replaced each pump with induction motors, with three of the pumps driven by medium voltage variable frequency
drives and three pumps operating at a constant speed and started with medium voltage autotransformer reduced voltage
The scope of the design work also included a coordination and motor protection study, a motor transient starting study, a
harmonic analysis, and an arc flash hazard analysis. The system integration work included the replacement of an obsolete
PLCs and hardwired annunciators with a networked GE RX3i PLC with remote I/O, communication to each pumps SEL 710
motor protection relay and SEL 751A feeder breaker to remotely monitor motor and feeder parameters at
the Commission’s central control facility.