At your Water/Wastewater plant do your operators and technicians routinely service energized electrical equipment? Keystone recommends electrical work be completed in a de-energized state but understands that it is not feasible in all cases. There are work tasks such as testing and troubleshooting that must be conducted on energized equipment. Did you know that there are nationally recognized standards for operator safety related to energized electrical equipment?

NFPA 70E is the national standard for electrical safety in the workplace and recommends that all electrical equipment that can be serviced or otherwise maintained while energized is labeled with arc flash and shock hazard signs. OSHA’s General Duty Clause requires that all work environments be free from recognized hazards and NFPA 70E is the recommended method for identifying risks and hazards related to electrical equipment and work.
Keystone has performed dozens of assessments related to NFPA70 and can review your system and recommend the necessary upgrades, signage and recommended standard operating procedures (including PPE) to keep you employees safe.