Over the years, Keystone has found many benefits to being involved in industry related associations. We believe in the benefits of establishing strog bonds with other engineering firms and industry partners through in-person interactions. Whether these interactions are through a presentation at a conference or a 1-day tabletop exhibit, our professionals enjoy being accessible and approachable.
Throughout 2020, virtual conferences and presentations dominated our involvement in industry associations and groups. Keystone adapted and continued to grow our connections through virtual meetings. With conditions in the pandemic world improving, Keystone attended our first in-person event of 2021 in May for the Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Association (EPWPCOA) . We had a busy summer and fall conference season with rescheduled conferences and 1-day events throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey. Several of our engineers gave presentations and shared their knowledge at these conferences and trainings. As we look onward to 2022, Keystone intends to maintain our level of involvement in events, training sessions, and conferences.
With the year ending, Keystone has one more in-person event! On Friday, November 19, 2021, we will be attending the EPWPCOA Plant Tour (Berks-Montgomery Municipal Authority) and Awards Meeting. Representing Keystone for the day is Partner, Phil Schwartz, P.E., Director of Design-Build and Business Development, Drew Hood, P.E., Project Manager, Andrew Schilthuis, and Marketing Coordinator, Natalie Troxell.
Keystone is excited about this upcoming event and supports the EPWPCOA. In addition to supporting this group, we are involved in the following organizations:
Berks County Water and Sewer Association (BCW&SA)
Eastern Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Operators Association (EPWPCOA)
Central Pennsylvania Water Quality Association (CPWQA)
Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA)
Pennsylvania American Water Works Association (PA-AWWA)
Pennsylvania Rural Water Association (PRWA)
Pennsylvania Municipal Authority Association (PMAA)
Water Works Operators' Association of Pennsylvania (WWOAP)
Solid Waste Association of North America Keystone Chapter (Keystone SWANA)
New Jersey
New Jersey Water Environment Association (NJWEA)
New Jersey American Water Works Association (NJ-AWWA)
New Jersey Food Processors Association (NJFPA)
Delaware Rural Water Association (DRWA)
Maryland Rural Water Association (MRWA)
Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA)
The Chesapeake Tri-Association
Water Environment Federation (WEF)
American Water Works Association (AWWA)